Thursday, August 7, 2014

The "Husband Interview"

Last night, my husband and had a little chat. It was more like coming to terms with the fact that we are both so busy trying to make a life for our family that we forget to make time for US. And the US is a very important thing in marriage. We don't quite seem to be on the same page anymore and we both understand that a wedding doesn't make a marriage. The people who are in the marriage (the bride and groom) do.

Love isn't a feeling or a noun, it is a verb. An action word. A word that needs another verb, communication. Which is a word that we feel we have been lacking in the bustle of life.

So, my solution? Or the start of it, was to create a "Husband Interview" while he was sleeping. I wrote down all of my questions and asked that he write or type his answers so I can read them and we might be able to talk about them.

Here are my questions:

1. What are your goals?
2. What are the top 3 things that you like about yourself?
3. What are 3 things that would change about yourself?
4. How do you feel about our marriage?
5. What can I do to be a better wife?
6. When do you feel happiest? Angriest? Most loved?

And then a quick think "A few of your favorite things"
Vehicle model
Animal (domestic and wild)
Board Game
Hobby/Pass time
Name (Boy and Girl)
Number, why?


I also invited him to create questions for me so that I can answer them. I wanted us to write them down so that I can keep them as a refection and that way I don't mishear anything he says. I intend to give the first six questions to him, every year, at least once. Because I really do want to be a good wife and I don't think I can do that when I don't know his goals or how I can improve.

Communication doesn't always have to be by mouth. Sometimes, it is easier when it is written because you can't mishear and the words are in front of you so you can talk about it.

If you have thoughts or comments, I invite you to post them below. What do you do to keep the communication open with your spouse or significant other?

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