Sunday, August 10, 2014

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes...

I don't know what it is, but I have been on a, rather ambitious, crochet kick. I first started to crochet about two years ago. The process of learning was more frustrating than I would like to admit, because I had no one to show me and I am one of those 'see and do' learners. My first project was a scarf, which I gave to my husband. Then, I made a couple afghans, which I gave to my step mom and mother-in-law as gifts for Christmas.

More recently, I made a Santa pillow. I was bored. I had yarn. It was the middle of July and I was feeling a bit ambitious. I saw the pattern and decided to make it. It took me three days to make, which isn't bad for over 48 pieces for his beard alone.

Here is a picture of the finished Pillow.

I am selling it on because I have this terrible knack for making things and having no idea what to do with them, afterwards. I also have a ton of ruffle scarves and other things that I will be putting in my shop, soon. The moment it stops raining on a day I have off and I can get my husband to help take pictures.

My birthday just passed and I have been yearning to make something with crochet thread. Little did I realize just how difficult and frustrating the process of being able to, would be. The hooks are almost as tiny as a sewing needle and the thread is...well, thread.

Still I have been able to create a snowflake each day, for the past three days. Here are the ones I have created, so far:

I found the pattern for the first snowflake at the Snowcatcher Snowflake Directory.
The person who runs the directory and blog has created all of the designs for the snowflakes and has amazing stories to tell for each design. I love her snowflakes and I think I'm going to try several of her patterns.  

These last two snowflakes, I found the pattern for in the December 2010 issue of Crochet World Magazine. I love being a subscriber and trying new patterns. I am going to make a few more snowflakes and then stiffen them so they keep their shape while they are hanging on our tree. I will probably make more than our poor tree can handle, and end up selling them in my Etsy shop.

What are some ornament ideas you have?

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