Although we were getting caught up on bills, we needed a new fridge and we weren't able to eat much because of the afore mentioned bills. We received a new to us, fridge from my mother-in-law and it works wonderfully. Since then, we have gotten some help with food and can now eat more than a can of soup a day. Today, I enjoyed cold yogurt.
Minimum wage is rising, here in Michigan. That's great! Except for the idea that when minimum wage rises, hours get cut. So, instead of working close to 30 hours a week, to save the boss some money, everyone is getting cut to less than 25 hours a week. This means that even though I am getting paid more, it makes it more difficult to pay bills and I may, now, have to pick and choose which bills get paid and which ones I let go for the month.
Then, my husband and I got in a car wreck. The details are in a previous post. Although the car still runs, everything is squished against the engine and I wouldn't trust that car as far as I could throw it. That being said. We are in need of a vehicle. My husband recieved a whopping $175 fine for the accident, because technically he was at fault, even though the brakes decided to go out. Someone has to pay and it has to be us. However, I can't pay all $175, at once and we are having trouble finding a way, to that city (because we have no car) to pay half the fine. We were looking at a 2002 Ford Escape for 2,000 but we only have about 20 to our name and that is not enough for a down payment. Any loans we take out would be more than we can afford to pay back.
I just recieved a few phone calls today. The first was another bill collector that said I wasn't paying them, after locking me out of paying them, earlier this month. They, of course, want their money and I'm not sure how I can get it to them, every month. On a Subway budget.
The second call was that the money we thought we could get for the car, we can't get right now. So, instead of getting the car, this weekend, we have to wait another week or month. Yay. Even then, payments will be an issue.
And even though all of this is going on, I have many blessings that I choose to count instead. Yes, we got in a car accident, but no one was hurt, besides a few bruises. Sure, we have to pay a fine, but it is a one time fee and better than than have hospital bills added on top of it. My husband and I have health insurance now. We have a working refrigerator that stores the extra food we make and the foods we get on sale, and freeze. Our neighboors cut our lawn for us, because our mower is broken. My co-workers are amazing! In the time that I haven't had a car I have gotten rides home from one, and she took me to the bank to deposit my paycheck to pay the above mentoined bills. One co-worker, saw me walking the 4.5 miles to work and gave me a ride, the rest of the way.
I may not have a car or the best job. But I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and a husband that I come home to, every night. We are working on getting more funds, we are both looking for a job. We have family who loves us and a church that accepts us, and is willing to give us rides to the services.
This is a song that I think of every time things start to look for the worse.
When it rains, it pours. When it pours,we learn to dance.
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