Wednesday, March 16, 2016


This is a poem that I wrote a few years ago. At the time, I was struggling, heavily, with how I looked and finding every flaw in myself. The other day, I went back and read some of my poetry, like I sometimes do and this little gem melted my heart and helped me see exactly how I want to see myself. The attitude that I/we should all have. It is one thing to want to be healthy it is another to criticize every minute detail. I worked very hard on this poem and most of the time I do not share my poetry with people. Please, do not copy this poem as your own. You may share it, but please, credit me for the work and heart poured into it.

  Cassie Taber

Look at me!
Just look at the disaster I have become!
These colors don’t blend well.
The shape, here, just won’t do.
There are scratches that won’t fade
And spaces He didn’t fill.
The paint has bubbled here
And drips where it shouldn’t.
The colors are too pale,
Too bright or light for anyone to see
Yet, He calls me His masterpiece?
Some work of art I am!
I am nowhere near perfect.
There is so much that is wrong,
So much that I would change.
“But I’m not finished with you, yet,”
A gentle voice tells me,
Hurt by my thoughts
As a brush clinks against the jar that held it.
His steady hand guides the brush to my canvas.
Who am I to tell the artist
What is good and what needs to change
When I am the one who cannot see the whole picture?
After all, He calls me His masterpiece.
Feel free to leave comments below. I do always enjoy hearing from you. Also, check out my other posts!
Please remember that you are beautiful and well loved. 

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