Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015!

This year has been a wonderful and exciting year. In some ways I am sad to see it go but in others I enjoy looking back and seeing how far everyone has come from January 1. My sister-in-law has grown a lot in her attitude and has learned to accept some things that she cannot change. I am proud of her, even though it has taken some time and different routes to get to her. We were able to see her, this Christmas, for a couple of days.

Corban has grown a lot this year, as well. He has had a few growth spurts but he has grown in character as well. I am proud of him for sticking up for himself and others. He has made some great choices in friends and in life. Although, being a teenage boy, he still has some growing to do.

This Christmas was wonderful. Being able to spend time with family, without having to worry about when I have to be at work, customers, etc. It was nice. My only worry was "did I do enough, for Christmas" and the resounding echo from everyone has been "yes". I still have my doubts but that is me. I am a giver and even if I gave someone the clothes off of my back, I would still want to give more.

Jc enjoys his Boston blanket and everyone else seems to enjoy the things they recieved. Jc gave me a yarn pendant for Christmas! I have been wanting one for a long time but never got around to getting one. Now, I dont' have to worry about where my scissors are and whether or not I'm going to cut myself, or the pets by sitting on them. He also wants to give me a "Crochet Mystery novel". It sounds interesting, for sure.

I made out with some yarn, patterns, a Starwars Crochet Kit, stitch markers, has been a truly blessed year. Even more than the things I have recieved, I will always treasure the relationships of those family and friends. There is nothing more valuable than time and memories.

Today, I go back to work and Jc goes to see the new Star Wars with his family before his sister goes back. It has been a great year and I look forward to the future
Remember that you are beautiful and well loved

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