Monday, December 7, 2015

Acorn squash

Last night, I made some Acorn Squash. I haven't cooked anything in a long time and it was great to get back into making something. Jerad has been doing most of the cooking and I always appreciate that it is one less thing that I need to worry myself over. I do love that when I do feel up to cooking, he lets me.

When I was a kid, my parents would bake butternut and acorn squash with some sort of meat where the seeds were. I decided to do a play on that and prayed that it turned out all right. So, here is what I had to make it:

*rectangle cassrole dish (pyrex)
*one acorn squash
*box of stuffing (yes, I cheated), I probably should have used two boxes
*bread crumbs
*about half a pound of ground pork sausage (no casing)
*Seasonings: Italian, Garlic, Pepper, Salt

Here's what I did:
Preheat oven to 375 F
1. Wash and cut the acorn squash in half (From stem to bottom), and "gut" it. You can save the seeds if you want, I didn't because I didn't think of it until I started the pumpkins. Set the halves aside.
2. Make the stuffing as the box directs. Mine took 1 and 1/2 cups of water and 1/4 cup of margine.
3. You can put some oil or cooking spray on the cassrole dish, I didn't have any on hand. Spread the prepared stuffing in the casserole dish to make an even layer.
4. Place the squash, skin side down, in the stuffing. Take some margine and put three small (really small) pieces round the cavity of the squash.
5. Ball up some sausage, knead some breadcrumbs and seasoning to your liking; form the blob into more of a ball, plop it in the cavity of the acorn squash and pat it down. Top with some more bread crumbs and seasoning, if you like.
6. Slide the dish into the oven to bake for about 1 hour, or until the squash is tender, when poking it with a fork.

7. Take out of the oven and let cool a few minutes before dishing it out.


We did :)

What are some of your favorite squash recipies?
Feel free to check out some of my other posts and leave comments below. I do love hearing from you.

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

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