Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Yum cake!

Yesterday, I celebrated turning a quarter of a century old! Although I feel that I am too old for birthday parties and really celebrating getting older has lost most of its appeal to me...I enjoy spending time with my husband and family. Sunday, Jerad, his mom and I went to Genghis Khan Mongolian barbecue/buffet! It is one of my favorite places to eat and we don't go there often. Yesterday, I spent the day with my husband. We went for a walk, then went to a late lunch, grabbed more yarn (because one can never have enough) and then ran a couple of errands. One of those errands was hunting down some birthday cake because I have gone 8 months and several birthday celebrations, this year without birthday cake. Everyone else wanted pie or cheese cake (which is still not birthday cake). So, I found some cake. Yummy, moist white cake with chocolate whipped frosting on it.

And now I have filled my yen for cake this year. Bring on the pies!

Outside my birthday, I have kept busy with work and the usual. Same stuff different day. I took a break from crocheting for a week or two, nothing was really appealing to me and my yarn just wasn't cooperating. Jerad gave me a crochet stitch book for my birthday! So, now I can keep making new patterns beyond the single and double crochet stitches! I already have several ideas in mind. Thank you, my dear for this wonderful, and thoughtful birthday present. You are amazing!

One project that I am working on is another shawl! I love these CAL (crochet-a-long) projects that Adrienne Lash makes. I have said it before and I say it again, I love her patterns! This particular pattern is basically a four in one, which of course, I like. Except the projects all look beautiful and I want to make them all. At the same time. I only have two hands.  So, here is the one that I am working on. I just started it this morning:
The pattern is called La Tua Scelta, which means, "Your choice". I love the name of the pattern! The pattern is $5 but you get four choices. I am making the "baktus" shawl, which is the first choice. I was deciding between the baktus and the curly boomerang and decided to go with the baktus because I just finished a boomerang shawl, not too long ago.

For this project, I am using Red Heart Super Saver "Shaded Dusk" (love the name!) and a size K hook. I love how it is turning out, so far.

What projects are you working on? Feel free to leave a comment below and check out some of my other CAL posts!

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.


  1. I'm loving how the blues in that yarn are dancing around on the shawl. So pretty! And I'm excited to see what you create from your new stitch dictionary. That's one that I don't have yet, and would love to know how you like it.

    1. I am actually working on a blanket with a stitch from the dictionary. I will post pictures in an upcoming post. :) I do like the blues as well. I am using the same yarn in another project and it looks pretty cool. I really love the gradient yarns because I can color switch without having to worry about all of those lovely ends to weave in :P

  2. OH! and congrats on the quarter century! I remember that one. It was good. Oh, to be 25 again :-) Enjoy it!
