Monday, August 17, 2015

Always the Ambitious One

I have been trying to work on a design for a crochet top, for the past week or so. I was able to design most of one side, but I seem to run into trouble along the neckline. It is more of a mesh top and I'm thinking that the part I have already designed might, possibly, be to small. Although it could work for a size small...possibly a medium. The neckline is not broad enough. So, I frogged (rip it, rip it) what I could and left what I couldn't. Which means I just frogged the neckline and kept the rest. Ha!

I decided that until I make at least one top that isn't a poncho or a jacket type pattern, I will be putting this design on hold. I still have the sketches and the written part of what I have designed. But that neckline is a pain in the patootie.

Although I am disappointed that I have to let this one slide for who knows how long, I am relieved that I actually get a chance at working on my other design ideas. Things that I do know a bit about like scarves, hats, fingerless gloves, potholders, more bags....etc.

The one I really want to work on takes a cable stitch. Ambitious me, has never done one and the beautiful stitch book that my husband gave me for my birthday shows me how to make little cable stitches. I'm not sure how to make one wide, celtic type, woven, cable stitch. Apparently google is confused and shows me cable cars. Thanks, Google, not what I was thinking but nice views.

So, if anyone knows of a website or a book that I can reference on how to make a wider cable stitch, please let me know! I have this really cool design that I would love to do and the border that I want is going to be kind of like a braided rope. I'll have to figure that one out too but it will be fun!

What projects are you working on? Let me know in the comments below!

Remember, you are beautiful and well loved.

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