Monday, August 24, 2015

Strawberry Wine Cable Scarf

I have been wanting so badly to figure out how these cable things work. No thanks to Youtube and google, I managed to figure out (I think) the basics of this kind of design. I couldn't find a pattern for exactly what was in my head, so...I made one. I wanted to make this a bit more intricate and give it a different name with different colors but we see how that worked out.

This pattern is currently being tested, but can be found here for $1.00 USD. You can use this code: 25SAVORS      to take 25% off of the pattern making it only $.75.

I am currently working on three project designs now:
I have promised to expand the Country Squares market bag and I'm hoping to have that finished and updated by this weekend. This week is a little crazy with all the kids coming back to college and me being needed more at the store, but I will find time to get it done.

I am also working on an earwarmer design.

Finally, I am trying to design that, more intricate, cable scarf that I was wanting to do in the first place. It will be in two colors with a nice border and probably some tassel as well. Who doesn't love tassels? Answer: Me when I have a Freddy cat who likes to play with my yarn. But, this new scarf design will have tassels because that is what the picture in my head looks like. First, I will have to sketch out the design which is where I went wrong with this scarf.  But I do love this scarf.

I called it "Strawberry Wine Cable Scarf" because at the time that I was trying to come up with a name I was listening to Country music and the name of the color is "Mixed Berries". One of my favorite Country songs as a kid was, "Strawberry Wine" by Deana Carter.

What inspires some of the titles of your designs/projects?

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

New Ravelry Group and Coupon Code!

This is just a quick post, today.  I started a group on Ravelry for anyone who enjoys my designs, to join. You can ask questions about the designs, get help if you are stuck, join in on some CAL's and test my designs before they are published.

Also, here is a coupon code for a 25% discount on any pattern in my store: 25SAVORS
You can use it on more than one pattern. Right now, my only paid pattern is Country Squares Market Bag

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Mickey Mouse Toilet Paper Cover
 I just finished designing this lovely Mickey Mouse, inspired, toilet paper cozy. I know someone who is getting married within the year and her bathroom is decked out in Mickey Mouse things. I don't know if she actually has a toilet paper cover, or use for one. I think that they are pretty interesting, now that I know they exist, and will probably be making more in the future. So, she is going to be getting at least one. I have an idea for a Minnie Mouse cover and a couple other Disney inspired designs.

This is my first design that is for sale, on Ravelry. It is on sale for $1 USD. It was really easy to come up with, honestly it was easier than the market bag which I may change that to a selling pattern as well. I'm not sure though. What are your thoughts on this new design?

Thank you for reading. We actually reached 1,000 views today! Which has me super excited as well. That is something that I could not do without you beautiful people. 

Please check out some of my other posts and feel free to leave comments. I love hearing from you.
Please remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

Afghan Swap Package #2!

Hey there!

Some of you, know that this year I decided to join an Afghan swap on What it is, is three packages go out to your assigned partner, throughout the year. One in April, one in August and the final one in December. The first two packages are little things and the last is the afghan. It is pretty neat and you get to know someone that you may never have had the chance to get to know.

Well, I received my second package a couple of days ago and didn't have a chance to actually  write about it, until today!

I am so excited and grateful to Bonnie for everything she has done for me.
 I received a recipe for Banana cake and Buttermilk Fried Chicken; some patterns for a Log Cabin Blanket and a basket weave baby blanket....
 A Crochet magazine with great tips and wedding projects (which is great because I know a couple of people who are having a wedding in the next year or so) and a Family living magazine with 76 yummy recipes...
 Some yummy chocolate mint patties and Oh Henry bars...yum yum yummy! ...
 Three skeins of lovely yarn that gives me so many ideas...
Two beautifully knit potholders and washcloths!

Thank you, Bonnie for your beautiful package. I truly do appreciate it and I hope that you enjoy yours.

What is your favorite thing to make someone?

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Always the Ambitious One

I have been trying to work on a design for a crochet top, for the past week or so. I was able to design most of one side, but I seem to run into trouble along the neckline. It is more of a mesh top and I'm thinking that the part I have already designed might, possibly, be to small. Although it could work for a size small...possibly a medium. The neckline is not broad enough. So, I frogged (rip it, rip it) what I could and left what I couldn't. Which means I just frogged the neckline and kept the rest. Ha!

I decided that until I make at least one top that isn't a poncho or a jacket type pattern, I will be putting this design on hold. I still have the sketches and the written part of what I have designed. But that neckline is a pain in the patootie.

Although I am disappointed that I have to let this one slide for who knows how long, I am relieved that I actually get a chance at working on my other design ideas. Things that I do know a bit about like scarves, hats, fingerless gloves, potholders, more bags....etc.

The one I really want to work on takes a cable stitch. Ambitious me, has never done one and the beautiful stitch book that my husband gave me for my birthday shows me how to make little cable stitches. I'm not sure how to make one wide, celtic type, woven, cable stitch. Apparently google is confused and shows me cable cars. Thanks, Google, not what I was thinking but nice views.

So, if anyone knows of a website or a book that I can reference on how to make a wider cable stitch, please let me know! I have this really cool design that I would love to do and the border that I want is going to be kind of like a braided rope. I'll have to figure that one out too but it will be fun!

What projects are you working on? Let me know in the comments below!

Remember, you are beautiful and well loved.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Christmas is Just Around the Corner...

I was on, today, and sifting through the groups that I am in. I ventured into this new Christmas Crochet group that I recently joined and had a sudden realization that we are in the middle of August. Yep! That is right we are in the middle of the eighth month and December is only four months away. I am working on two blankets, one I keep frogging (ripping the stitches) and the other I'm thinking about it. The thing is, it takes me about 6 months to make one with as busy as I get with work.

Part of the freak out began when I realized I have four months to make two blankets. That is two less months than what I have for one. I can see every waking moment from here on out going to Christmas presents. Which is sad because Halloween and Thanksgiving are also coming up and I wanted to make things for those holidays as well.

The freak out didn't take full effect until I realized that for the past two Christmases (which are the two that I actually knew how to crochet), most people recieved a scarf and hat set; if they did not recieve a blanket. Now, my family/friends are loving people but I'm sure that I might get a little bit of an eye roll or fake excitement over, yet, another scarf.

This realization and complete understanding of the possible reaction leaves me in a more than slight panic that goes something like this:

"I have four months until Christmas! I have to make two blankets (which I don't mind and love doing), and I have absolutely no ideas for anyone on the Christmas list because they all have at least one scarf and hat!"

Now, imagine me running around in circles in my tiny living room with Sasha, our dog, wondering if her paws would be able to actually push the buttons on the phone to dial some sort of crochet anonymous hotline.

So, here is my question to you:

What are some gifts that you make for people on your Christmas list? Please leave your ideas in the comments below.

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Challenge of My Own Design

Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good challenge. In fact, I often try to prove people wrong, within reason. I feel sorry for my doctors who tell me that I will never be able to sprint again because I didn't get the surgery to repair my knee. I graduated high school when everyone was telling me that I wouldn't make it. Never mind the fact, that I nearly dropped out to work, but thanks to some incredible teachers and my boss, I stayed. I was also told that I wouldn't make it through my freshman year of college and even though it took me six years and a few changes in my major, I graduated!

Granted, I'm still working on the whole running part but I'll be darned if I let anyone tell me that I can't do something without trying. Sadly, there are some parts where I got hurt in the process. For instance, when I was seven, we had this swing set with monkey bars (oh, yeah, it's that kind of story). My brother and I were always challenging each other. He would tell me that I couldn't do something, in that older brother kind of way, and I would try to prove him wrong. Most of the time it worked, but this time...he was right (don't tell him I said that...reputations and all). Anyhow, he told me that I couldn't skip two bars on the monkey bars and proceeded to show me that he could. My arms were a little too short and I couldn't even skip one. I knew this but, tried anyway because I've never let a challenge go without a fight. I got up to the top of the ladder, reached up, grabbed one bar and swung myself to reach past the two ahead of me. I ended up somehow flipping and landing on my wrist; breaking it. One challenge that I didn't quite meet. BUT I am proud to say that I can, now, skip two bars...maybe even three.

Long story to introduce a challenge of my own, that isn't so dangerous. I work at a clothing store and we get new shipments in, every day. I see most of the clothes before they hit the shelves and we have been getting a lot of yarny crochet/knit clothes in for the fall. This has me super excited! Some of the clothes has inspired me to try my hand at making similar pattern styles for crochet. I am working on one now that I have one side nearly finished. I'm just trying to figure out how to increase for the neck but it is going to be fun! So far, this is what it looks like:

Now, this is my first clothing design. I find it a little ambitious, even of myself, because I have only ever made one poncho and one shrug. I messed up, big time, on the poncho, and had a million questions with the shrug. I don't quite have the hang of closed necklines so this is going to be one interesting, yet harmless, challenge. No broken bones involved. So far, I like how it is turning out. I probably won't get to work on it until Sunday night or Monday. This next step is going to take a bit of thinking and playing with yarn.
Also, this is my finished Baktus! I frogged it (sorry Adrienne) because I didn't follow directions the first time. I will continue, with different yarn, with the way I was doing it before. Adrienne said that it would probably turn into a triangular shawl. I love triangle shawls!

And the little blond blob,is Sasha:

She is being an old lady today. She is around 8 years old and most days acts like she is still a puppy. I think the rain is making her sleepy. 

Feel free to check out my other blog posts and see what projects I have completed!
What inspires you to crochet/knit/design/craft?

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Yum cake!

Yesterday, I celebrated turning a quarter of a century old! Although I feel that I am too old for birthday parties and really celebrating getting older has lost most of its appeal to me...I enjoy spending time with my husband and family. Sunday, Jerad, his mom and I went to Genghis Khan Mongolian barbecue/buffet! It is one of my favorite places to eat and we don't go there often. Yesterday, I spent the day with my husband. We went for a walk, then went to a late lunch, grabbed more yarn (because one can never have enough) and then ran a couple of errands. One of those errands was hunting down some birthday cake because I have gone 8 months and several birthday celebrations, this year without birthday cake. Everyone else wanted pie or cheese cake (which is still not birthday cake). So, I found some cake. Yummy, moist white cake with chocolate whipped frosting on it.

And now I have filled my yen for cake this year. Bring on the pies!

Outside my birthday, I have kept busy with work and the usual. Same stuff different day. I took a break from crocheting for a week or two, nothing was really appealing to me and my yarn just wasn't cooperating. Jerad gave me a crochet stitch book for my birthday! So, now I can keep making new patterns beyond the single and double crochet stitches! I already have several ideas in mind. Thank you, my dear for this wonderful, and thoughtful birthday present. You are amazing!

One project that I am working on is another shawl! I love these CAL (crochet-a-long) projects that Adrienne Lash makes. I have said it before and I say it again, I love her patterns! This particular pattern is basically a four in one, which of course, I like. Except the projects all look beautiful and I want to make them all. At the same time. I only have two hands.  So, here is the one that I am working on. I just started it this morning:
The pattern is called La Tua Scelta, which means, "Your choice". I love the name of the pattern! The pattern is $5 but you get four choices. I am making the "baktus" shawl, which is the first choice. I was deciding between the baktus and the curly boomerang and decided to go with the baktus because I just finished a boomerang shawl, not too long ago.

For this project, I am using Red Heart Super Saver "Shaded Dusk" (love the name!) and a size K hook. I love how it is turning out, so far.

What projects are you working on? Feel free to leave a comment below and check out some of my other CAL posts!

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.