Saturday, December 20, 2014

Hats Off For Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Well, not quite yet, but this time of year certainly keeps me busy with the yarn and keeping my two cats away from my stash. I have made several hats and I still have three more to make. Funny thing is, they are all so very different.

This is a Taxi/Golfer hat that I made my husband for Christmas. He is actually more happy about it than I am. I somewhat used a pattern. It was in a different language so I'm sure I didn't get everything right.I am searching for a similar pattern or translation for it, then I will post the pattern. He wanted another beanie but I've already made him at least four or five, so I decided to do something a little different. 

 This is a hat that I made for my sister-in-law. She is coming home for a visit and she loves these kinds of hats. So, I am making her two of these kind. I did not use a pattern for this one.

Materials: worsted weight yarn (any color, I used gray for this one) and size H hook.

R1: chain three, dc in third chain from hook 11 times and join in third chain with a slst (12 dc)
R2: chain 2 (counts as first dc) dc in the same st as joining and 2 dc in each st around. slst in second ch.(24dc)
R3: ch 2. dc in same st as joining. *1 dc in next st, 2dc in next.   Repeat from * around, slst in second ch (36dc)
R4: ch 2. dc in same st as joining. *1 dc in the next 2 st. 2dc in the next.  Repeat from * around, slst in second ch. (48 dc) 
R5: ch 2. dc in same st as joining. *1 dc in the next 3 st. 2dc in the next.  Repeat from * around, slst in second ch. (60 dc)
Round 6: Ch 2, 1dc in same st as joining. 1 dc in each st around. slst in second ch ( 60 dc )Round 7: Ch 2, skip 2 sts, 5 dc in next st. * Skip 2 sts, 1 dc in next st. Skip 2 sts, 5 dc in next st. Repeat from *around, slst in second ch..
Round 8: Ch 2, 2 dc in same stitch as join. Skip 2 sts, dc in next st, skip 2 sts. *5 dc in next st, skip 2 sts, dc in next st, skip 2 sts. Repeat from * around. End with 2 dc in the sl st of the previous row (to complete the 1st shell). slst in second ch.
Round 9-14: Repeat Rounds 7 and 8
Rounds 15 and 16: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining. Sc in each st around. slst in first ch.. (60 sc)
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.
This hat, I made for my brother-in-law. I used the same yarn that I used to make his "Creeper Scarf". He had a hat that was very similar to this, that I used a round loom for (this was back before I knew how to crochet) and he lost it at sears when he tried suits on for our wedding. It was his favorite hat but we never found it,even though we searched for it in lost and found, several times. I made him a tan and orange hat, last year and he loves that but this matches his new scarf, a little better.

I made an earwarmer for my mother-in-law, because she doesn't seem like the type of person to go around wearing hats. The only problem is that I wrapped it before I thought to take a picture. I did use a pattern for that, because it was the first earwarmer that I made. When I find this pattern, again, I will post a link to it. It was a very nice, simple, ribbed wave ear warmer.

Now, I need to finish a hat for Jerad's cousin, who just moved near us from out West; a second hat for my sister-in-law and probably a hat for Jerad's Aunt who is also coming to visit us on Christmas.

While I keep busy, please, be safe and remember that you are beautiful.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mine Craft Mania Crochet gifts!

Christmas is drawing near and I have decided that I like making things for people, instead of buying them. Usually it is cheaper to just buy the yarn to make a winter set or quality dishcloths. I mean, the average cost of a scarf and hat set is at least $12, for a decent one. However, you can garuntee that someone else will have that same exact set. When it comes to a teenager, who likes to stand out, at school, making something, is the best way to go. Especially, when I can get a pound of yarn for $7 at the craft store and make three hat and scarf sets.

My brother-in-law, who is a teen loves minecraft. He plays it all the time. It is kind of like a computer lego simulation. So, I decided that I would make a "Creeper Scarf" for him. Now, before you say anything, the Creeper is one of the 'bad guys' on Minecraft. They are green and pop out of nowhere, while you are trying to build your home and take care of the sheep that randomly spawn in your house.

Here is a picture of the scarf:
I borrowed the pattern from Ravelry. Pattern by April Garcia. This pattern, and the items made from this pattern, are intended for personal use only as the Creeper image is a copyright of Mojang. I did add more rows than what the pattern called for.

I am trying to come up with a nice pattern, for a hat that matches the scarf but using only the colors. I am not sure that he would want a "Creeper Hat" and the ones I have seen have not been done well.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

White Peppermint Bark

It is the season for baking and making the house smell so wonderful that you stomach growls. I love the feeling of baking, the warmth and the togetherness. I think that is why I like Thanksgiving so much. Today, I'm going to share with you, a very simple recipe that I only learned to make in the past couple of years.

White Peppermint Bark

What you need:
2 cups white chips (I use Hershey's, when it is on sale)
1/4 to 1/3 cup crushed peppermint candy (I usually use the mini candy canes because you can get a lot of them for much cheaper, and they are great for stirring hot chocolate!)
A cookie sheet
Wax paper

1. Crush up those peppermints!
2. Line the cookie sheet with wax paper (learned that the hard way.)
3. Place the white chips in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave them for 1 minute. Stir. Continue microwaving at 15 second incriments and stir after each, until chips are melted smooth when stirred.
4.Set aside about 1 Tablespoon of the crushed peppermint candies. Stir the rest into the melted chips and pour the mixture onto the prepared cookie sheet. Spread to about 1/2 inch thickness. Gently tap out the cookie sheet on the counter to even out the thickness. Sprinkle the 1 Tablespoon of crushed candies over the surface.
5. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes or until the bark is firm. Break it into pieces and store in a cool, dry place.

This makes about 3/4 pound of candy.

I know that it isn't exactly baking, but it still makes the house smell good and then you can put mint candies on your hot chocolate and marshmallows, while you wait.

I loved making this while I studied for finals because I would put several mini pepermint candy canes into a ziploc bag and just have at them with a rolling pin, hammer, whatever I could find. It took out some of the stress and if you do this with kids, they will love it!

As I go through my recipe box, I will share more of them.

I hope that you enjoy, if you try this.
Stay warm and remember that you are beautiful!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Pet Sweaters

This week, I decided that I would try my hand at crocheting our dog a sweater. I found the perfect pattern at and grabbed the only yarn that I knew would probably be enough for the sweater. Little did I know that our dog is so oddly porportioned. SHe has the head and mid section of a large breed dog (German Shepherd) but she is as short (in length and height) as a medium size dog. This explains why any sweater we get her is either way too small, around or way to long. Needless to say, I had to modify the pattern and fight her several times, after having her try on the unfinished product. She is the only dog I know who actually likes wearing her collar and her sweaters.

Here is a picture of the finished product:

Dog Sweater Pattern

Then, after I posted the picture of the finished sweater on Facebook, I was asked to make a sweater for a friend's cat. I didn't know that was a thing, but I have never been one to turn a challenge down. So I went in search of a sweater for cats and found one at my go-to place for patterns.
Here's the pattern. It is not mine, in any way, shape or form. However, I did think it was easy and even though my cat hates me for the time being, I think it turned out great.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Food to fight the Cold

I found this picture, today. It is not mine, but I did want to post it on the blog because it has something to do with Raynaud's Syndrome. I never really thought about foods that could actually help your body to keep it's temperature. I always drank hot chocolate because it is hot (duh). No matter what I put it in, it keeps my hands warm. When I sip it, it warms my core.

I have read that ginger can help people who have Fibromyalgia. It is something that my mother has and I was trying to help her find some home remedies so that she wouldn't have to take medicines. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not a fan of pills, so I try to do things in a somewhat natural way. I do understand that sometimes, medicine helps. I didn't even consider the fact that ginger might help people who have Raynaud's. After all, ginger helps to improve your body's circulation.

Also, I am anemic. I have low iron, among a bunch of other vitamins and minerals that my body seems to be missing. I thought that it was interesting to learn that iron can help your body contain up to 30% of it's heat. Unfortunately, I cannot take iron supplements and my doctor has said that I could eat nothing but meat, spinach, multigrains and other iron rich foods; but I would still have low iron. I have been anemic since I was six or seven years old. I remember my first encounter with Raynaud's around that time too.

My family and I were living in Gulfport, Mississippi. It snowed for the first time and my dad took my brother and I outside to build a snowman, with all of the snow that was in our yard. We went out and bought gloves, but even with the gloves, my hands hurt. They turned interesting colors, I thought I had frost bite. I was crying and my dad didn't know what to do, except to take me inside, start the fireplace and have me roast my hands by the flames. Needless to say, I still have yet to build a snowman, and I still have yet to have decent levels of iron.

With this new knowledge, I am going to try and find other remedies that could help control the symptoms.

Feel free to comment below, if you have any thoughts, questions or comments. I would love to hear from you.

Do not forget, you are beautiful, inside and out!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Raynaud's Syndrome

I was diagnosed with Raynaud's Syndrome, a bit over a year ago. Sadly, I am just now starting to look into it and what I can do to help. I think that I am going to start writing about my findings, so that if any of you (my beautiful readers) have Ray's you can maybe learn and provide some insight. If you do not have Ray's that's still great! I think that it is good to know about it, especially if you know someone with it.

Raynaud's (ray-NODES) Syndrome/Disease, also known as Ray's, is a disorder of the small blood vessels that reduces blood flow. My doctor explained it to me like this: In the normal body, when your body experiences cold, the blood vessels open up so that more blood can reach the entire body. People who have Ray's, instead of dilating, the blood vessels shrink. This keeps a lot of the blood from reaching the extremities (hands and feet) which can really hurt. Typically, the fingers change colors (blueish-gray, purple or blue), the color really varies from person to person, when exposed to cold temperatures and turn red when they start to warm up.

There are two kinds of Rays: Primary and Secondary. Primary Raynaud's is the most common and is not associated with other medical conditions such as scleroderma, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Primary Raynaud's has no known or apparent cause and isn't disabling. However,it still can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

It is not known whether Raynaud's is hereditary. Also, there is no known cure. The most that can be done is to try and control the symptoms and be in the least amount of discomfort as possible.

People with Ray's are often said to have cold hands all of the time. I know that when I greet people at church, I usually get some comment about the temperature of my hands. Even the little old ladies say my hands are freezing. I used to avoid shaking hands but I find that their hands are warmer and it feels nice. Ha!

Those who do not have Ray's have a difficult time understanding, exactly what goes on. My family used to, and I think sometimes do, think that I complained to much about my hands hurting when they were cold. To me, it feels like I am getting frostbite, just by grabbing some chicken from the freezer. My husband, God bless him,has gotten so much better at dealing with my Raynaud's. He is quick to remind me to put my gloves on before I get something frozen, or he will get it for me. He is also, very concerned about my hands when the car hasn't warmed up yet or I decide that I want to go for a short walk in the winter. We are still trying to figure out ways to keep my hands from hurting. Especially since I have yet to build a snowman.

So, join me, on an adventure of my own, and learn more about Raynaud's whether you have it, know someone who has it, or are just curious. Raynaud's affects 5-10 percent of the population.

Not to worry, I will still post about all of my other adventures and the little things in life that make me smile. But, Raynaud's Syndrome, has made itself a part of my life. Thank you!

Remember that you are beautiful.
scleroderma (also known as systemic sclerosis), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) and rheumatoid arthritis - See more at:
scleroderma (also known as systemic sclerosis), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) and rheumatoid arthritis - See more at:
scleroderma (also known as systemic sclerosis), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) and rheumatoid arthritis - See more at: