Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Irish Sea Boot Cuffs

Back in March (yes, I'm still playing catch up), I decided to try my hand at crocheting some boot cuffs. I figured that I like the legwarmers that we sold, at my store and boot cuffs were just shorter versions of that. Right? Sure, whatever helps me sleep at night, I guess. I honestly have no idea the purpose of boot cuffs but they look cool and people wear them in the winter time.

I won a bid, on Ebay, for a Leisure Arts #75472, Boot Cuffs and Earwarmers, booklet. There is some great stuff in there! I actually look forward to making more sets for this coming winter. I flipped through the pages and fell in love with the Irish Sea Boot Cuff pattern.

It was an easy work up but they are too big for me, if I'm wearing ankle boots. They are also a bit too big if I'm wearing taller boots but, the boots keep it in place so I guess it works out. Again, I'm not sure the purpose of these. Maybe they are just to keep the snow out, in case you have to tread through knee high snow? Or maybe they are just a style thing. I have no idea but it was fun and easy to make.

Do you have any idea what these things are actually supposed to do? Let me know in the comments below! Also, check out some of my other posts!

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

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