Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Gondor Scarf (WIP)

Since the new year started, I have been able to draw out three new pattern designs. Two of them are blanket designs and one is a scarf. One of the blankets and the scarf are designs inspired by Lord of the Rings. Oh, yes, I'm going fan girl in some of my designs.

I was looking for Lord of the Rings patterns and there aren't very many out there. Most of what is out there, are knitting patterns. Trying to knit and not drop stitches frustrates the cookies out of me. So, I had this grand idea that I would come up with a few crochet designs for Lord of the Rings fans, or those who know someone who loves Tolkien's works.

I finished handwriting the pattern for the Gondor Scarf and now I'm testing it before it moves to a typed and published version. So far, this is where I am, and of course I had to use my Sauron hook for the project. I am hoping to have the scarf and pattern finished by Friday.

Just a heads up, this pattern will not be a free download.

Some people "geek out" over Star Wars, some over Dr. Who. Me? I geek out over Lord of the Rings.

What do you "geek out" over?

Feel free to leave a comment and check out my other posts! I always love hearing from you.

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.


  1. Why make your own patterns if you can't fangirl? I find it rather amusing that Sauron if helping build Gondor.

    What do I geek out over? LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!!

    1. This is very true. There are so many patterns for Dr. Who fans and Starwars fans, now. Soon, there will be more for Lord of The Rings fans, as well.

      Oh, and I'm excited to start the blankets! I ordered a TreeBeard hook that is going to help me with them. I'm just waiting on that to come in the mail.
