Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Lose

Thank you for the encouraging comments on my last post. I really do appreciate them. I'm not sure why I felt so obsolete but you are absolutely right! Even if she makes gifts and makes more than I can, the gifts that I make for people will always be unique just as the ones my mother makes. I have always felt at ease when I gift things I make because they are unique (and can't be returned). So, thank you for encouraging me when I was in a bit of a funk.

Since the last post, I have been working hard. Yesterday was my first day off in seven days and I worked over 40 hours. Yay! I have been working on some new designs and updating the Country Squares Market Bag.

I love the four square base of the market bag but I'm not happy with how the rest of the bag turned out. It doesn't seem sturdy and even though I wasn't increasing my stitches it seemed as if the sides were expanding. So, although I said the revision would be up this past weekend, it is still a work in progress. I need to figure out the sides of the bag. This pattern will probably end up being seaparate from the Country Squares because I am thinking that only the base will be made with the same pattern. Thankfully, I have my trusty stitch book that my hubby gifted me for my birthday. That should help a bit.

Anyway, here's the base:

Now, I did finally write the pattern for the Strawberry Wine Ear Warmer! This is a free pattern download from Ravelry. The scarf is still being tested but is up for sale. The ear warmer will remain a free pattern.

Because I still have some yarn left over from the scarf and ear warmer set, I am going to try my hand at some fingerless gloves. Before I do that, I need to actually, successfully make a pair of fingerless gloves.

If you know any good patterns for crochet fingerless gloves, feel free to let me know in the comments below!
I always love hearing from you and thank you, again, for your encouragement.

Remember, you are beautiful and well loved.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you doing better. Crocheting helps to destress and feel better about ourselves more than one realizes. Your patterns are GREAT! Keep up the great work!!
