Friday, April 17, 2015

New Adventures with Yarn

Alright, I am so super excited to be able to share with you, the finished product of the CAL (Crochet A Long) shawl that we were working on. It was so much fun to work with these beautiful ladies on the same project. They helped me when I had questions and we chatted while waiting for the next clue. I love a good mystery and this project kept me anxious for the day when the next clue would be released.

Here is the finished product:

The border has sweet little butterflies! I tried to capture some in the picture above, but I'm not sure if you can see it. I did not block this (mostly because I don't know how and I don't have the room, right now. This pattern also called for beads, which I did not use because my local craft store didn't have the beads I was looking for and I'm not patient when it comes to creating something for someone. Haha!

I gave this shawl to one of my co-workers who was not having a good week. I hope that it helped to brighten her day. She likes to bow hunt and the colors reminded me of the pink camouflage shoes that we sell, which reminded me of her hunting hobby.

I am excited to start a new CAL! I am looking for one right now, so if you know a good one, let me know in the comments below!

Also, I decided to teach myself how to knit and after 15 minutes of trying to figure out how to cast on, I am getting the hang of it. Here is a scarf that I'm making. I'm not very far.

As always, have a blessed day.
Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

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