Sunday, February 15, 2015

Crochet blanket + Deadline = ??

As you may know I have been crocheting like crazy to welcome a special little girl into the world, in May. I have been working on headbands, hats and a blanket. I found out a couple of weeks ago that the baby shower is a week from today which I promptly made this into my deadline for the blanket. Life is certainly a funny thing. Nothing seems to go wrong when there isn't a deadline but as soon as you set a goal...Well, let's just say that it is a lot like trying to crochet and win at Dodge Ball, at the same time. 

I love how this blanket is turning out. It is beautiful and honestly I never thought that my hands could ever create something so special as this. I am a week away from the baby shower and I have most of the squares finished. I believe that I have about 30 squares to create and about 40 to sew together (including those not yet created). I have been trying to make 10 squares a day and put them together. After the squares I need to create a border around the blanket and then weave in all of those pesky ends. 

Here is the blanket as of 30 minutes ago: 
The blanket is as wide and long as it is going to be. I have two lady bugs to finish. The first you can see the head has already been made and the last will bee just after the flower stem. So, there will be seven lady bugs in all. I did not realize, until I took this picture and loaded it onto my computer, just how amazing this project is. I'm not tooting my own horn. This blanket is not my pattern and I wish I could think things like this up. But the idea that someone thought of this and it is as beautiful as it is, is pure amazing. 

This blanket is already almost big enough for me to cuddle under, on the couch and I'm an adult. It brings me joy that Emiline (I spelled her name wrong in my past posts) will be able to enjoy this gift much longer than her headbands, hats and baby shoes. This is something that she can grow with and I believe that her parents will appreciate it as much as I do.

There is some unwritten rule that when a goal is set mass chaos seems to break out because up until a couple of weeks ago, this blanket was not causing me any headaches (headaches of love and not anger ha!). Now, it is the week before the shower and I have a bit of work yet to do. I finally got approved for substitute teaching and the manager of my store is being transferred on Tuesday. So, my hours skyrocket. I don't mind the extra hours, except for the fact that I have a deadline to meet and I can now see late nights and caffiene in the very near future. It won't be the squares or the border that gets me. It is going to be those loving ends that I need to weave in. Loving, loving ends...

Some of my smaller projects that I have finished while on making this blanket (for my "breaks"):
I finished Muzzy's dog sweater, but I don't have a finished picture of it yet. He won't stay still to let me take a picture with him on it. Now he is free to enjoy the snow and be warm, at the same time.

I made Emiline a headband using some yarn that was RAK'd to me by Kokorific (Marie):
I also made a pair of baby shoes (3-6 months) with little ladybugs using the same yarn. I plan to make a matching hat.
I don't know what else to do, so close to the baby shower. I will make a dress or sweater for her but it will not be for her shower because 1. I've never made one and I want to take my time. 2. This blanket needs to be finished first.

Wish me luck! 
Feel free to leave comments and check out my other blog posts.

You are beautiful and well loved,


  1. Your projects are looking great! I'm reading this and commenting 4 days after this post was written, so I'm guessing that you're much further along now. Looking forward to seeing your finished blanket.

  2. Surprisingly, it didn't take too long to finish. Most of the squares, I had already made so it was simply a matter of sewing them together and weaving the ends. I made it with two days to spare and I am amazed that this only took about a month to make. Blankets that I have made, that size usually take me a few months. I wonder why it went so quickly, this time.
