Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Back in the Groove

Lately, I haven't been feeling like crocheting. I notice that this happens after Christmas is over and I no longer have anyone to create something for. After this past Christmas, I had the baby shower and when that was over, I wanted to crochet but I didn't know what to do. As usual, I spend more time trying to find a pattern that I like and less time to crochet the actual pattern that I found. Now that I am no longer working every day and have some time to crochet in between the applications that I am filling out for a second job, I have created a few things.

I have made a few washcloths:

 The first washcloth I did not use a pattern. When I first started crocheting, I made several washcloths and learned that the square ones are simply count 28-35 chains and use whatever stitch you desire.  Then I found this wonderful,free, pattern for flower washcloths! I wanted to something that wasn't so...bland and this sounded like a great idea. The green one was my first attempt and doesn't really look like a flower to me. I'm not sure what happened but something happened and it looks kinda funky. The purple flower washcloth I liked much better and gave it to my mother-in-law who is using it as a carpet for her china furniture.

To each their own, I suppose.

My second day off, I decided that I was tired of making washcloths and I wanted to try my hand at making bracelets and practicing putting buttons on things. I did not use a pattern for any of the following:

The first bracelet, I chained however many it took to wrap around my wrist 3-4 times. The second, I used a chain and then one row of double crochet. The last one...I am not sure what I did, honestly. But I would love to figure it out again and actually write the pattern because it is my favorite! It looks like the first but it is not just one chain.

Please let me know what you think in the comments below! Have you ever felt the need to make many small projects to get back in the groove of just making things?

Feel free to check out some of my other posts! I always love hearing from you.

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Afghan Swap #1

I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks. Life decided to take me on a trip of it's own for a while. I was working overtime the last couple of weeks until a new Full time assistant manager was hired and now I'm back to my 20 hours and job searching while having time for crochet and blogging. Yay!

As promised, here is a picture of the afghan that I am working on for my first afghan swap!
I was wanting to go for more of a "Stained Glass" look. I thought that the multi-colored yarn bordered by the black would look nice. The pattern is a honeycomb afghan pattern that I found for free on Ravelry.  The afghan isn't due until December but I am starting it because afghans tend to take me a while and I don't always have time (like these last couple of weeks) to work on it. 

Actually, I have surprisingly taken a break from crocheting and I cannot express to you, how much I miss it. I need to make things. I have yarn but I just don't know what to make, as my small projects. Usually, I have one large project and 2-3 smaller projects going on at the same time. I did make a headband for St. Pattrick's Day but nothing to really write home about.

A recent conversation with a friend reminded me that I do need to take time to relax every day. Just a little bit of time for me. I love my husband, my friends, my job, my family but everyone should take a little bit of time for their self. For me, I like to crochet. Even it if is only ten minutes. I am going to make it a goal to crochet at least one row, a day, on my afghan and find another project to start.

Remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

Feel free to leave comments below and check out some projects I have worked on or finished in my previous posts.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Afghan Swap!

I joined a group on Ravelry that does a year long swap. You are assigned a partner, and you swap three packages through out the year. This is my first swap, ever and I am so excited! The first and second box have different things that you make, some yarn and little gifts. The last one, in December, we swap an afghan that we have made for our partner.

Quite honestly, my first package is supposed to go out by the end of the month and I haven't the foggiest idea of what I'm going to send, or how I'm going to send it. My partner has done more swaps and I really don't want to give her something that she already has. My problem, with gifting, my husband says is that I put too much thought into my gifts and I actually stress over them.

My partner and I have talked back and forth, quite a bit. She has been very helpful in finding the things she likes but I still want there to be a surprise. So, I'm not sure that I am going to post too much of what I'm making her, on here, in case she reads. I do really want to post the blanket that I have started for her. But I will have to make a seaparate post for that, because I would like to talk more about it and I don't know where my camera is.

I do really like the idea of a knit/crochet swap. I am exicted to see what other people can make and excited for the adventures of making someone I have never met, in person, gifts. I love to help people smile and I think this is one of the many ways.

Have you done anything similar? What are some gifts you have made for someone? Feel free to leave comments and check out my other posts. I love hearing from you!

You are beautiful and well loved.