Sunday, March 7, 2021

I'm Back..Again

 It seems I've been really good about taking a hiatus. So much happens in life and when a lot happens, I lose myself. I have been fine but, in losing myself, I mean that I lose my interests. I took a year off of crafting, again, but I am back and I'm allowing myself to have that time to myself, every day.

I created a new blog: Whisper Back. This one is just now started and will be about my journey with C-PTSD. If you are interested, please, check it out. It won't be all doom and gloom. C-PTSD is a condition that not alot is known about. It is similar to PTSD in some ways, but different in others and takes PTSD to a higher level. Whisper Back is meant to bring awareness and de-stigmitize mental health in general, but mainly PTSD and C-PTSD.

I will be creating more posts here, now that I am crafting again. I have big plans.

I also want to get back into pattern writing, again. I haven't written a new pattern in nearly two years. This is going to be good. We are going to have a great year with crafting and self-care!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Here's the Scoop

There seems to be a slight trend with me posting, right now. I make a post because I have a good day and I want to share that or because I feel like I have to. I'm not sure how many actually read my posts. I write these posts, often because I have something to share, whether that is me apologizing for being silent so long, posting a new recipe, posting a finished project...etc.

I have been silent for quite some time. In all honesty, this has been a rough year, mentally. I don't like to air my issues because I try to be uplifting to everyone else. I am getting help and I think I may make a separate blog for that journey.

I haven't really crafted much, this year. I have been in a depression that has been difficult for me to climb my own way out. This is why I sought help and talking to a therapist really is helping. I have been writing more poetry and I did make a couple paintings but as far as yarn goes, it has been a real struggle. I think the last project that I finished was the Lion blanket for my best friend. If I have not posted about that, I will soon.

As Christmas nears, I know that I need to get to crafting. Even if I don't craft, my goal is to post more on here. This blog wasn't meant to just be a crafting blog. I wanted to include all the things that I enjoy in life, even the smallest things. The way I see it, if even a small thing can bring some joy to me, why should I keep it to myself?  Joy is something that is meant to be shared with the world. So, my goal is to make a post a week, here and I think I will be creating a blog that is meant to encourage those who struggle, just to let you know that you are not alone.

Thank you for sticking around.

What is a quote, thought, or verse that encourages you when you are feeling low?  Post it in the comments below!

Please remember that you are beautiful and well loved.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

This Mother's Day

With Mother's Day quickly arriving, I have realized that I am very blessed to have more than one mother in my life.

My mother, did the best that she could with what she had to work with. I have always, and will always be strong willed, independent and in the mindset that I am strong and I don't need anyone to care. I am glad to know that she does, even though I don't want anyone to.

I have a wonderful Step-mum who has shown me patience and unconditional love. When my parents divorced, I didn't want to know her because I felt like I was betraying my mother. She gave me as much time as I needed and welcomed me with open arms when I decided that there wasn't a single person in this world that would ever replace my mother. This woman waited four years for me to even talk to her and another year after that for me to accept her.

I know that some people can say that they have two mothers. It is sad how common divorce is, now days. So saying that I have three, when I count my Mother-in-law does not come as a surprise. I am finding this to be common as well. She has been a wonderful mother to her sons and daughter. She has had a hand in her son, my husband, being the wonderful man that he is today. She puts up with more than she has to and has stepped in to hug me through the tough times since my other mothers are not in close proximity. She showed me love, even when I was merely dating her son.

Now, some people have just the one mother, more have two while others have three.  I am, perhaps, the most blessed person in the planet to have a Bonus mom. I'm not sure if this means that someone thought I was so tough to handle that I needed more but I am thankful for them all. My Bonus-mom is my father's sister and has been, perhaps, the greatest influence in my life. She is the definition of strength. She has always been in my corner pushing me to get back in the ring of life and take back the title of champion.

Each of these four women have taught me many things: unconditional love, patience, and strength. Only one brought me into the world while they all have kept me here. I don't know where I would be without these beautiful souls. They may not always be close, in proximity but I know that if I ever needed anything they are all a phone call away and I never have to feel alone. I know that they all have not had an easy road with me. I was a child who did not want to be noticed, did not want to be loved, did not feel I deserved love. I am strong willed and have always been. Each of their roads have had many bumps but they handle those bumps with style, strength and so much grace.

I don't know what I did to deserve four beautiful, strong women but I thank God, every day for each of them.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

New Year, New Me

Anyone that knows me knows that I don't make new years resolutions. I set goals but I don't see a point in waiting for the new year. I can procrastinate but when I want to change something about myself or my habits, the time to start is right when I get the idea. Kudos to those who wait for the new year.

This past month has been busy with the flu and everyone around me getting sick. I have taken the month to really reflect on what I want for myself. These last couple of  years, I have really lost myself in the hustle and bustle of life. I woke up, went to work, got home, ate went to bed. Repeat. I set time aside for me, which was mostly me crafting for someone else. Don't get me wrong, I still love to craft and I love gifting more than anything in the world.

I spent my life trying to make everyone around me happy that I really just lost my own happiness. That isn't anyone's fault except mine. It is important to take time for yourself. You should take care of yourself. I have always told others that you need to make sure that you are taken care of before you take care of anyone else. What good are you to someone if you still have needs that are unmet?

Well, I didn't take my advice until just recently.

January was a month of reflection and setting goals. I want to concentrate on my health. I'm not in a bad way but there are things I want/need to improve.

  • Vitamins- I have been low an a good amount of my vitamins (D, B6, B12, A and another one that I can't remember). My iron is finally out of the red zone, but the rest still need a lot of help. So, I went and bought almost a year's supply (300) Women's Daily Multi-vitamins. I am on Day three of taking them. I don't feel much different but I'm sure I will soon.
  • Drink more water! These last few months I have mostly been drinking Dr. Pepper. It is my vice and although I still want to have some every now and then (because it is my vice) I need want to consume my weight, in ounces, of water, every day. Dr. Pepper should be a treat (like when the dear husband and I go out to eat)
  • Consume less sugar!  Outside of Dr. Pepper I don't really consume sugar. I have my thin mints that I get into after a long, really rough day at work but I'm more into the salty things than the sweet. Getting (almost) rid of Dr. Pepper will help with this. Also, the dear husband is diabetic so we have cut down a lot. 
  • Eat more fruits and veggies!  I am a fruit and veggie fiend. I got away from it because the dear husband is a carnivore through and through. He doesn't eat veggies or fruits, usually and I haven't been able to eat through an entire bag of apples before they go bad. We are working on this.
  • Exercise! I walk to work, every day. That is about 20 minutes of casual walking 5 days a week. Then I walk at work but it isn't enough. I want to get rid of my belly. Doc says it isn't anything out of the normal because your insides make it to where you won't have a completely flat belly. But, I need to get in more of a routine than just walking. So, today, I started the 30 Day Abs challenge. I also want to follow some dance work out videos because the Ab challenge is only about 5-10 minutes. 
I have played with the idea of joining a gym but my fear is that I don't know what half of the machines do or how to work them. Treadmills, I won't do, I get enough walking in and when the snow melts, I will try my hand at running. I'm thinking a couch to marathon type deal, that way I don't tear my meniscus again.  I would love to be able to run a 5k!

These are my goals and I am going to try and post updates, every week, jut to keep me accountable. 

Never fear, crafting things are on the way! We are not going to be doing just fitness. Also, with eating right, comes new recipes!

What are some of your favorite ways to stay fit?

I would love to hear what you think! Please feel free to leave a comment below.
Remember you are Beautiful and well loved.

Monday, January 29, 2018

It Has Been A While

Wow, I really slacked on the whole crafting/fooding/life blog thing, didn't I?

I really want to apologize for that a lot has happened in the last months. I got promoted to full time! Yay! My husband and I moved to a bigger place. Yay! I have crafted a lot and other things happened.

This is just a post to say that I am back and I am working on ideas, beyond just crafting, to make posts on here. This year, along with crafting, I am focusing on: my health, new recipes (for diabetics and just because), fitness and who knows what else!

I fell into a depression and lost interest in a lot of things but I have taken this last month to really focus on re-finding myself and getting back in those old, yet good, habits that I let go.

I do hope that you will join me on my wonderful journey in this adventure called "Life".

Please remember that you are beautiful and well loved!
Leave a comment below! I would love to hear from you all, again!